/** /** Comparative Genomics workflow /** /** This workflow find the duplicate genes from a proteome /** Then, It finds the Tandemly Arrayed Genes (TAGs) /**/ nextflow.enable.dsl = 2; include { GUNZIP } from "./modules/gunzip.nf" include { BLAST_ALL_AGAINST_ALL } from "./modules/blast.nf" include { FILTER_FASTA } from "./modules/filter_fasta.nf" include { FILTER_BLASTP } from "./modules/filter_blastp.nf" include { CLUSTERING } from "./modules/clustering.nf" process PROTEIN_GENE_MAPPING { input: path proteome output: path 'protein_gene.tsv' } workflow { proteome = Channel.fromPath(params.proteome) GUNZIP(proteome) FILTER_FASTA(GUNZIP.out) BLAST_ALL_AGAINST_ALL(FILTER_FASTA.out.proteome) FILTER_BLASTP(params.min_coverage, params.min_identity, BLAST_ALL_AGAINST_ALL.out, FILTER_FASTA.out.lengths) CLUSTERING(FILTER_BLASTP.out) }