#+title: Unixfu #+date: <2024-01-14 Sun> #+category: linux A bin for some useful UNIX command. * Add two hours This could be useful for nocmig fan, to ease the hour computation of a bird contact. #+begin_src bash hour() { start=$1 duration=$2 IFS=":" read -r duration_hour duration_minute <<< $duration date -d "$start $(($duration_hour * 60 + $duration_minute)) minutes" +"%H:%M" } hour 17:00 5:43 #+end_src #+RESULTS: : 22:43 * WAV creation datetime Here is a small snippet that demonstrates how to get the creation date-time of a WAV file with =ffprobe= #+begin_src bash wav_creation_date() { wav="$1" date_key="date" time_key="creation_time" for key in $date_key $time_key; do ffprobe "${wav}" -v quiet -select_streams v:0 -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 -show_entries stream=codec_type=stream_tags=creation_time:format_tags=${key} done } #+end_src Then, on the WAV file =example.wav=: #+begin_src bash echo $(wav_creation_date example.wav) #+end_src #+begin_example 2024-01-12 18:56:28 #+end_example