#+title: Further development on FTAG Finder, a pipeline to identify Tandem Arrayed Genes #+subtitle: Scientific project #+author: Samuel Ortion #+date: 2023-2024 #+LATEX_CLASS: lamme2024 #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{sty/lamme2024} #+bibliography: ../references.bib #+exclude_tags: noexport # ref. https://write.as/dani/writing-a-phd-thesis-with-org-mode #+begin_export latex \hypersetup{ pdfauthor={Samuel Ortion}, pdftitle={}, pdfkeywords={duplicate genes, workflow management systems, pipeline}, pdfsubject={}, pdflang={English}} { \pagenumbering{roman} \hypersetup{hidelinks} \tableofcontents \printglossaries } #+end_export #+begin_center duplicate genes, tandem arrayed genes, pipeline #+end_center * Context ** Duplicate genes *** Duplication mechanism *** Role in genome evolution ** Identification of duplicate genes ** FTAG Finder, a method to identify Families and Tandem Arrayed Genes * Objectives * Tips :noexport: To export: C-c C-e C-b l l